25 Weeks Pregnant (Day 163 to Day 175)
What happens to you?
It is time for the glucose tolerance test.
You notice your body changing day by day. Mood swings are attributed to the continuous hormonal changes in your body. Your uterus has grown significantly.
Your hair and nails grow faster. You may notice increased hair growth on other parts of your body, too.
Advice: You may not be able to sleep well. Try to sleep on your side and not on your stomach.
What happens to your baby?
Your baby’s nostrils are starting to open even though the lungs are not yet fully developed. The bones are getting harder and stronger and the baby is kicking. Your baby may flip around to head-down position at this moment, but it will keep turning until week 31.
It has grown more hair and its body is almost fully formed. It looks like a human miniature.
It can also recognize daddy’s voice.