Administrative Services

Patient Accounting

Patient Accounting

On the last day of your hospitalization, the physician will sign your discharge summary, the one you will get from the Patient Accountng, after processing with the payment of the hospitalization[...]

Patient Services

Patient Services

The Patient Services - Help Desk is located on the 2nd floor of the Hospital in order to answer any question about your hospitalization and about its cost.[...]

Birth Registration

Birth Registration

After the birth, parents are requested in 2-3 working days to visit the Birth Registration Department on the 1st Floor of the Clinic to declare the birth of their child. Please note that, if[...]

Marketing Department

Marketing Department

The Marketing Department undertakes all aspects of promotional actions, the public relations of the Hospital, as well as the organization of events and conferences.  [...]

Quality Department

Quality Department

The  Quality Department ensures the quality of the provided services. It is responsible for the proper operation of all hospital's departments, according to the International Standards of REA[...]