30 Weeks Pregnant (Day 204 to Day 210)

What happens to you?

You keep gaining weight. The weight of your belly has shifted your center of gravity. Weight gain increases back pressure. When relaxing, place a pillow under the middle of your lower back and a bigger one under your knees. This should relieve your pain...

Your uterus presses on your bladder and there is a risk of urinary tract infection. Drink lots of water and wear cotton underwear.

Continue to eat properly and do mild exercise. Both you and your baby’s development are going to benefit from it.

Advice: You probably have some difficulty with sleeping. Take a warm, relaxing bath before you go to sleep.


What happens to your baby?

Your baby grows rapidly taking up more space in the amniotic sac. It gains weight rapidly, fattens and has fewer skin folds. The lungs and digestive system are almost ready.

The baby flips around quite often, in a head down or breech position, and responds to light changes.

It starts to shed the downy lanugo hair from its body.