5 Weeks Pregnant (Day 29 to Day 35)
What happens to you?
Urine pregnancy tests are positive. Your body is beginning to change and the first symptoms (usually) appear. You might experience nausea, fatigue and breast tenderness. In addition, the uterus increases in size, applying pressure on your bladder, which can cause you to make frequent trips to bathroom. Follow a healthy lifestyle and avoid drinking coffee, as it stimulates gastric secretions.
What happens to your baby?
The blastocyst develops into an embryo. The embryonic disk soon acquires three germ layers. The ectoderm, the mesoderm and the endoderm. The ectoderm gives rise to skin, hair, ears, nose, mouth, endocrine glands and neural system. The mesoderm gives rise to bones, muscles, veins, heart, cardiovascular system and reproductive organs. The endoderm gives rise to stomach, liver, lungs and urinary system.
Development of the neural system, thyroid gland, as well as of the heart and cardiovascular system also begins during this week.