1. High Quality of Services
We understand and satisfy the needs of our patients, mothers and women in general, scientists/doctors and all associates to the maximum.

2. Adherence to the Principles of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

We recognize the values and mission of scientists/doctors and strictly adhere to the Hippocratic Oath.

3. Our value is Man
Our women patients constitute our priority in every facet of our operations.

4. Respect
We treat all our shareholders and associates with the utmost professionalism, dignity and respect towards their needs.

5. Integrity & Transparency

Integrity, honestly and strict adherence to medical ethics constitute non-negotiable values in every aspect of our operation.

6. Innovation and Progress

We seek and encourage the adoption of new technologies on all our activities. In order to provide to our doctors the best possible medical infrastructure and ensure unique care and hospitality services experience for our patients.

7. Social Responsibility

We feel that improvement of health services is our responsibility towards society and we are committed to operate with sensitivity and respect towards women, families and the environment by incorporating the appropriate social and environmental actions into our operations.

Quality Policy